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Stourhead Drive, Northampton, UK


Complementary Therapies

HEALING - Intuitive healer specialising in Forensic Healing, Reiki, Reflexology and Indian Head Massage. Give yourself a natural boost from affordable therapies to promote your health, relieve pain and aid relaxation from a qualified therapist who cares and is a member of the International Institute of Holistic Health Therapies.

Intuitive Coach - offering valuable consultations, both in person and online, for confidential guidance at reasonable prices. I can help with relationship or work problems, help you to have more clarity and build a more successful, happier life.

Psychic Consultations are ideal for clients who seek clarity about life situations, relationships, jobs, etc. Using my natural intuition together with various methods of divination such as palm reading, numerology, tarot cards. You can have confidential and affordable answers to help you.

Inspiring certified courses delivered both online and in person. Benefit from transforming, reasonably priced courses taught in a fun, practical and interactive way. Or, attend meditation groups. Learn powerful techniques to help you through life’s difficulties and make your dreams come true.
I'm devoted to serve. Let me share with you, maybe inspire you.

My business is built on a foundation of love, a passion for making a difference to you and a commitment to be an inspiring agent for good.

You’re not alone, I’m by your side

I'm here to support and champion you, with a wonderful unique blend of practicality. Inspiring you to access a channel of inspiration, with no fluff, to live the life you want.

You are an amazing, unique person and sometimes through life's ups and downs, you may forget this. I act as a catalyst to inspire and lift your spirits.

VISIT WEBSITE 07365101368
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  • 5th Aug 2019
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VISIT WEBSITE 07365101368
Inspiring Support - I aim to inspire and heal those who are in pain be it physical pain, emotional pain or who need help and direction. I offer intuitive healing, coaching, psychic readings and facilitate entertaining practical courses to empower those on their journey in life.
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