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An Open Letter To Cancer


Dear Cancer, here is your astrological forecast for April 2019. The Dragon's Head is forming a magnificent trine aspect to the Moon and Neptune. This may indicate auspicious developments that affect you personally. Something you have striven to achieve - a talent or skill - is finally perfected and you have the opportunity to bask in the spotlight of applause and adoration.

Activity in the 10th & 11th houses of your horoscope suggest that the influence of a group of friends may give you a leg up the social ladder and enhance your standing in the community. Your reputation goes from strength to strength. Indeed, this is an auspicious time to grab the levers of power in some society or group. If you are a struggling actor redouble your efforts to get the recognition your talent deserves.

Home life is always important to you. But everything is about to get that little bit sweeter and more delightful. Romantic nights in, music and magical company are yours to enjoy. You are going to meet some extremely sensitive and gifted individuals who take you for a journey down memory lane and enable you to savour some emotions you thought had gone for ever.

Saturn and Pluto energies are excited by the Moon and indicate there may be an element of frustration felt by a minority of Cancer at the intransigence of an individual who exhibits a closed mind. And when I say closed I mean more like hermetically sealed. Their inflexibility may result in some radical transformations and new starts. Sometimes you just have to let go of some aspects of the past in order to move on into a brighter future.

Some exceptional gifted and inventive are going to channel their artistic streak into up-marketing some recycled domestic objects into works of art with an eye watering price tag. Best of luck to you in your new venture.

Entertain children is highlighted during April. You'll be seeking a very special experience for them to enjoy and may chose to visit Leeds Armoury or walk around the ancient city walls of York. If your children are all grown up you may engineer some excuse to invite them along on a Murder Mystery weekend at a posh hotel. What a wonderful way to catch up and get to know each other again.

Yours sincerely

Guy Doleman

Sun, 3 March 19 : 16:03 : Guy Doleman

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