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200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India

Shree Vithal Ashram, Muni Ki Reti, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India



200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India
200 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India gives you a solid foundation if you aspire to be a Yoga Teacher. If you just want to deepen your practice and understanding of yoga, it gives you confidence to work towards your own unique expression of yoga as you evolve in your practice.

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India - Highlights of The Course
You will learn asanas and techniques that are traditional and have evolved over centuries in India.
Through the study of anatomy and physiology, we will go deeper into the execution and alignment of asanas.
By understanding the parts, you will start understanding the whole – gaining confidence in practising the asanas safely and with maximum benefit.
Understand the philosophy of Yoga to transcend asanas and to understand the real purpose of Yoga.
Focus on Pranayama, Mantras and Meditation to reach and experience the subtle aspects of Yoga practice.
Duration - 3 Weeks
First Week - Introduction To Yoga
Second Week - Deepening the practice, Alignment & Adjustments.
Third Week - Class Presentation, Assignment Submission & Evaluation.

Yoga teacher training syllabus, an overview of the teacher Training Course at Rishikesh Yogpeeth
Yoga Philosophy Sessions
Philosophy is the core of any subject and yoga is not different, without philosophy yoga is similar to a body without consciousness. Philosophy classes at Affiliate Yoga Schools - Rishikesh Yogpeeth conducted in an interactive environment, where the process not only allows participant to learn and navigate how to form questions but also helps them reach to their own answers regarding mundane, emotional and spiritual life. We have experienced that the quality of questions determine the quality of life and if one knows the techniques or the path to reach to the answers, life becomes the playground of possibilities. One of the major outcomes of this is the development of interpersonal communicational skills, which refines the perception and responses towards the events of life for enhanced experience of it.

The history and origin of Yoga
An introduction to Six Philosophies of Indian context
An introduction to Yoga Sutra & Hatha Yog pradipika
Yogic Ideas, concepts and hypothesis from ancient scriptures
Anatomy – Physiology & Psychology of Yoga practices
Modern understanding of human organism has really helped this ancient wisdom of Yoga to get established in this era because many of the hypotheses of Yoga now we can observe and evaluate for their health benefits. Anatomy classes allow the students to gain a basic knowledge about the human body and its most important systems.

General understanding of Human organism with its different systems
Emphasis of Nervous, Musculoskeletal and Respiratory system
Role of immunity and the practices to enhance its functioning
Benefits and contraindications of Yoga practices
Asana Sessions
Culture of Asana practice started as Hatha Yoga Tradition, since then it has crossed a long way to reach to the modern versions of Shri B. K. S. Iyengar and Sri K Pattabhi Jois styles of Yoga. These two are the pillars of the Modern form of yoga, where one talks about the precise alignment and the other about the flow. According to the philosophy of Rishikesh Yogpeeth, we as the practitioners of Yoga requires both, where alignment is the perquisite to experience the ultimate stillness of Mind and body, at the same time flow is equally important and required in our life for its ultimate expressions and also for its ability to flow even in the odds of life. These two streams of Yoga studies are the basis of Modern Yoga. Rishikesh Yogpeeth as a Yoga School pays a lot of emphasis on the Traditional practices of Hatha Yoga, which slowly and gradually prepares for Raja Yoga. As we know Raja Yoga is the culmination of all the Yoga styles and practices.

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200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India

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